Tuesday, August 7, 2012

deeply-from-the-heart love

I Peter 1:22.  “Now that you have purified your souls by your obedience to the truth so that you have genuine mutual love, love one another deeply from the heart.”
i’m not sure I’ve ever really noticed this verse before… but i’m struck by it today.  if the purification of our souls is helped by our obedience to the truth… and if this purification which is helped by our obedience produces genuine love for each other … i’m concerned about the state of the Church — and even more concerned about the state of my own heart — cuz i don’t know that i’m experiencing that much “deeply-from-the-heart love.”
oh, Lord. have mercy on us.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

out of place

a plant out of place is a weed

simply said

I keep saying I need to start blogging again.  I guess that means that I have enough energy to actually be thinking a little deeper lately...that's good.  However, my life is filled with picking up toys, sweeping the floor numerous times a day, changing diapers -- basically trying to keep this little household afloat.

And, thus, "simply said" is born.  Perhaps someday I will have time to develop these thoughts as I once would have at wendtonajourney; however, now is not that time. This little category will have to do for now while I continue to be the mommy of a little one.